
Inheritance diagram of stalker.models.sequence.Sequence
class stalker.models.sequence.Sequence(**kwargs)

Bases: stalker.models.task.Task, stalker.models.mixins.CodeMixin

Stores data about Sequences.

Sequences are a way of grouping the Shots according to their temporal position to each other.



Deprecated since version 0.2.0.

Sequences do not have a lead anymore. Use the Task.responsible attribute of the super (Task).



create_time_log(resource, start, end) A helper method to create TimeLogs, this will ease creating TimeLog instances for task.
hold() Pauses the execution of this task by setting its status to OH.
least_meaningful_time_unit(seconds[, …]) returns the least meaningful timing unit that corresponds to the given seconds.
request_review() Creates and returns Review instances for each of the responsible of this task and sets the task status to PREV.
request_revision([reviewer, description, …]) Requests revision.
resume() Resumes the execution of this task by setting its status to RTS or WIP depending to its time_logs attribute, so if it has TimeLogs then it will resume as WIP and if it doesn’t then it will resume as RTS.
review_set([review_number]) returns the reviews with the given review_number, if review_number is skipped it will return the latest set of reviews
round_time(dt) Round the given datetime object to the defaults.timing_resolution.
stop() Stops this task.
to_seconds(timing, unit, model) converts the schedule values to seconds, depending on to the schedule_model the value will differ.
update_parent_statuses() updates the parent statuses of this task if any
update_schedule_info() updates the total_logged_seconds and schedule_seconds attributes by using the children info and triggers an update on every children
update_status_with_children_statuses() updates the task status according to its children statuses
update_status_with_dependent_statuses([removing]) updates the status by looking at the dependent tasks
walk_dependencies([method]) Walks the dependencies of this task
walk_hierarchy([method]) Walks the hierarchy of this task.


absolute_path the absolute_path attribute
allocation_strategy Please read Task class documentation for details.
alternative_resources The list of Users assigned to this Task as an alternative resource.
bid_timing The value of the initial bid of this Task.
bid_unit The unit of the initial bid of this Task.
children Other Budget instances which are the children of this one.
code The code name of this object.
computed_duration returns the computed_duration as the difference of computed_start and computed_end if there are computed_start and computed_end otherwise returns None
computed_resources getter for the _computed_resources attribute
computed_total_seconds returns the duration as seconds
created_by The User who has created this object.
created_by_id The id of the User who has created this entity.
date_created A datetime.datetime instance showing the creation date and time of this object.
date_updated A datetime.datetime instance showing the update date and time of this object.
description Description of this object.
duration Duration of the entity.
end overridden end getter
generic_data This attribute can hold any kind of data which exists in SOM.
generic_text This attribute can hold any text.
is_container Returns True if the Task has children Tasks
is_leaf Returns True if the Task has no children Tasks
is_milestone Specifies if this Task is a milestone.
is_root Returns True if the Task has no parent
is_scheduled A predicate which returns True if this task has both a computed_start and computed_end values
level Returns the level of this task.
name Name of this object
nice_name Nice name of this object.
notes All the Notess attached to this entity.
open_tickets returns the open tickets referencing this task in their links attribute
parent A Task instance which is the parent of this Task.
parents Returns all of the parents of this mixed in class starting from the root
path The path attribute will generate a path suitable for placing the files under it.
percent_complete returns the percent_complete based on the total_logged_seconds and schedule_seconds of the task.
persistent_allocation Please read Task class documentation for details.
plural_class_name the plural name of this class
priority An integer number between 0 and 1000 used by TaskJuggler to determine the priority of this Task.
project The owner Project of this task.
project_id The id of the owner Project of this Task.
references A list of Link instances given as a reference for this entity.
remaining_seconds returns the remaining amount of efforts, length or duration left in this Task as seconds.
resources The list of Users assigned to this Task.
responsible The responsible of this task.
review_number returns the _review_number attribute value
reviews A list of Review holding the details about the reviews created for this task.
schedule_constraint An integer number showing the constraint schema for this task.
schedule_model Defines the schedule model which is going to be used by TaskJuggler while scheduling this Task.
schedule_seconds returns the total effort, length or duration in seconds, for completeness calculation
schedule_timing It is the value of the schedule timing.
schedule_unit It is the unit of the schedule timing.
shots The Shots assigned to this Sequence.
start overridden start getter
status The current status of the object.
tags A list of tags attached to this object.
task_dependent_of A list of Tasks that this one is being depended by.
task_depends_to A list of Tasks that this one is depending on.
task_id The primary_key attribute for the Tasks table used by SQLAlchemy to map this Task in relationships.
tasks A synonym for the children attribute used by the descendants of the Task class (currently Asset, Shot and Sequence classes).
tickets returns the tickets referencing this task in their links attribute
time_logs A list of TimeLog instances showing who and when has spent how much effort on this task.
tjp_abs_id returns the calculated absolute id of this task
tjp_id returns TaskJuggler compatible id
to_tjp TaskJuggler representation of this task
total_logged_seconds The total effort spent for this Task.
total_seconds returns the duration as seconds
type The type of the object.
type_id The id of the Type of this entity.
updated_by The User who has updated this object.
updated_by_id The id of the User who has updated this entity.
versions A list of Version instances showing the files created for this task.
watchers The list of Users watching this Task.

the absolute_path attribute


Please read Task class documentation for details.


The list of Users assigned to this Task as an alternative resource.


The value of the initial bid of this Task. It is an integer or a float.


The unit of the initial bid of this Task. It is a string value. And should be one of ‘min’, ‘h’, ‘d’, ‘w’, ‘m’, ‘y’.


Other Budget instances which are the children of this one. This attribute along with the parent attribute is used in creating a DAG hierarchy of tasks.


The code name of this object.

It accepts strings. Can not be None.


returns the computed_duration as the difference of computed_start and computed_end if there are computed_start and computed_end otherwise returns None


getter for the _computed_resources attribute


returns the duration as seconds

create_time_log(resource, start, end)

A helper method to create TimeLogs, this will ease creating TimeLog instances for task.


The User who has created this object.


The id of the User who has created this entity.


A datetime.datetime instance showing the creation date and time of this object.


A datetime.datetime instance showing the update date and time of this object.


Description of this object.


Duration of the entity.

It is a datetime.timedelta instance. Showing the difference of the start and the end. If edited it changes the end attribute value.


overridden end getter


This attribute can hold any kind of data which exists in SOM.


This attribute can hold any text.


Pauses the execution of this task by setting its status to OH. Only applicable to RTS and WIP tasks, any task with other statuses will raise a ValueError.


Returns True if the Task has children Tasks


Returns True if the Task has no children Tasks


Specifies if this Task is a milestone.

Milestones doesn’t need any duration, any effort and any resources. It is used to create meaningful dependencies between the critical stages of the project.


Returns True if the Task has no parent


A predicate which returns True if this task has both a computed_start and computed_end values

classmethod least_meaningful_time_unit(seconds, as_work_time=True)

returns the least meaningful timing unit that corresponds to the given seconds. So if:

as_work_time == True
seconds % (1 years work time as seconds) == 0 –> ‘y’ else: seconds % (1 month work time as seconds) == 0 –> ‘m’ else: seconds % (1 week work time as seconds) == 0 –> ‘w’ else: seconds % (1 day work time as seconds) == 0 –> ‘d’ else: seconds % (1 hour work time as seconds) == 0 –> ‘h’ else: seconds % (1 minutes work time as seconds) == 0 –> ‘min’ else: raise RuntimeError
as_work_time == False
seconds % (1 years as seconds) == 0 –> ‘y’ else: seconds % (1 month as seconds) == 0 –> ‘m’ else: seconds % (1 week as seconds) == 0 –> ‘w’ else: seconds % (1 day as seconds) == 0 –> ‘d’ else: seconds % (1 hour as seconds) == 0 –> ‘h’ else: seconds % (1 minutes as seconds) == 0 –> ‘min’ else: raise RuntimeError
  • seconds (int) – An integer showing the total seconds to be converted.
  • as_work_time (bool) – Should the input be considered as work time or calendar time.
Returns int, string:

Returns one integer and one string, showing the timing value and the unit.


Returns the level of this task. It is a temporary property and will be useless when Stalker has its own implementation of a proper Gantt Chart. Write now it is used by the jQueryGantt.


Name of this object


Nice name of this object.

It has the same value with the name (contextually) but with a different format like, all the white spaces replaced by underscores (“_”), all the CamelCase form will be expanded by underscore (_) characters and it is always lower case.


All the Notess attached to this entity.

It is a list of Note instances or an empty list, setting it to None will raise a TypeError.


returns the open tickets referencing this task in their links attribute


A Task instance which is the parent of this Task. In Stalker it is possible to create a hierarchy of Task.


Returns all of the parents of this mixed in class starting from the root


The path attribute will generate a path suitable for placing the files under it. It will use the FilenameTemplate class related to the Project Structure with the target_entity_type is set to the type of this instance.


returns the percent_complete based on the total_logged_seconds and schedule_seconds of the task. Container tasks will use info from their children


Please read Task class documentation for details.


the plural name of this class


An integer number between 0 and 1000 used by TaskJuggler to determine the priority of this Task. The default value is 500.


The owner Project of this task.

It is a read-only attribute. It is not possible to change the owner Project of a Task it is defined when the Task is created.


The id of the owner Project of this Task. This attribute is mainly used by SQLAlchemy to map a Project instance to a Task.


A list of Link instances given as a reference for this entity.


returns the remaining amount of efforts, length or duration left in this Task as seconds.


Creates and returns Review instances for each of the responsible of this task and sets the task status to PREV.

New in version 0.2.0: Request review will not cap the timing of this task anymore.

Only applicable to leaf tasks.

request_revision(reviewer=None, description='', schedule_timing=1, schedule_unit='h')

Requests revision.

Applicable to PREV or CMPL leaf tasks. This method will expand the schedule timings of the task according to the supplied arguments.

When request_revision is called on a PREV task, the other NEW Review instances (those created when request_review on a WIP task is called and still waiting a review) will be deleted.

This method at the end will return a new Review instance with correct attributes (reviewer, description, schedule_timing, schedule_unit and review_number attributes).

  • reviewer (class:.User) – This is the user that requested the revision. He/she doesn’t need to be the responsible, anybody that has a Permission to create a Review instance can request a revision.
  • description (str) – The description of the requested revision.
  • schedule_timing (int) – The timing value of the requested revision. The task will be extended this much of duration. Works along with the schedule_unit parameter. The default value is 1.
  • schedule_unit (str) – The timin unit value of the requested revision. The task will be extended this much of duration. Works along with the schedule_timing parameter. The default value is ‘h’ for ‘hour’.

The list of Users assigned to this Task.


The responsible of this task.

This attribute will return the responsible of this task which is a list of User instances. If there is no responsible set for this task, then it will try to find a responsible in its parents.


Resumes the execution of this task by setting its status to RTS or WIP depending to its time_logs attribute, so if it has TimeLogs then it will resume as WIP and if it doesn’t then it will resume as RTS. Only applicable to Tasks with status OH.


returns the _review_number attribute value


returns the reviews with the given review_number, if review_number is skipped it will return the latest set of reviews


A list of Review holding the details about the reviews created for this task.

classmethod round_time(dt)

Round the given datetime object to the defaults.timing_resolution.

Uses stalker.defaults.timing_resolution as the closest number of seconds to round to.

Parameters:dt (datetime.datetime) – datetime.datetime object, defaults to now.

Based on Thierry Husson’s answer in Stackoverflow

Stackoverflow :


An integer number showing the constraint schema for this task.

Possible values are:

0 Constrain None
1 Constrain Start
2 Constrain End
3 Constrain Both

For convenience use stalker.models.task.CONSTRAIN_NONE, stalker.models.task.CONSTRAIN_START, stalker.models.task.CONSTRAIN_END, stalker.models.task.CONSTRAIN_BOTH.

This value is going to be used to constrain the start and end date values of this task. So if you want to pin the start of a task to a certain date. Set its schedule_constraint value to CONSTRAIN_START. When the task is scheduled by TaskJuggler the start date will be pinned to the start attribute of this task.

And if both of the date values (start and end) wanted to be pinned to certain dates (making the task effectively a duration task) set the desired start and end and then set the schedule_constraint to CONSTRAIN_BOTH.


Defines the schedule model which is going to be used by TaskJuggler while scheduling this Task. It has three possible values; effort, duration, length. effort is the default value. Each value causes this task to be scheduled in different ways:

effort If the schedule_model attribute is set to “effort” then the start and end date values are calculated so that a resource should spent this much of work time to complete a Task. For example, a task with schedule_timing of 4 days, needs 4 working days. So it can take 4 working days to complete the Task, but it doesn’t mean that the task duration will be 4 days. If the resource works overtime then the task will be finished before 4 days or if the resource will not be available (due to a vacation) then the task duration can be much more.
duration The duration of the task will exactly be equal to schedule_timing regardless of the resource availability. So the difference between start and end attribute values are equal to schedule_timing. Essentially making the task duration in calendar days instead of working days.
length In this model the duration of the task will exactly be equal to the given length value in working days regardless of the resource availability. So a task with the schedule_timing is set to 4 days will be completed in 4 working days. But again it will not be always 4 calendar days due to the weekends or non working days.

returns the total effort, length or duration in seconds, for completeness calculation


It is the value of the schedule timing. It is a float value.

The timing value can either be as Work Time or Calendar Time defined by the schedule_model attribute. So when the schedule_model is duration then the value of this attribute is in Calendar Time, and if the schedule_model is either length or effort then the value is considered as Work Time.


It is the unit of the schedule timing. It is a string value. And should be one of ‘min’, ‘h’, ‘d’, ‘w’, ‘m’, ‘y’.


The Shots assigned to this Sequence.

It is a list of Shot instances.


overridden start getter


The current status of the object.

It is a Status instance which is one of the Statuses stored in the status_list attribute of this object.


Stops this task. It is nearly equivalent to deleting this task. But this will at least preserve the TimeLogs entered for this task. It is only possible to stop WIP tasks.

You can use resume() to resume the task.

The only difference between hold() (other than setting the task to different statuses) is the schedule info, while the hold() method will preserve the schedule info, stop() will set the schedule info to the current effort.

So if 2 days of effort has been entered for a 4 days task, when stopped the task effort will be capped to 2 days, thus TaskJuggler will not try to reserve any resource for this task anymore.

Also, STOP tasks will be ignored in dependency relations.


A list of tags attached to this object.

It is a list of Tag instances which shows the tags of this object


A list of Tasks that this one is being depended by.

A CircularDependencyError will be raised when the task dependency creates a circular dependency which means it is not allowed to create a dependency for this Task which is depending on another one which in some way depends to this one again.


A list of Tasks that this one is depending on.

A CircularDependencyError will be raised when the task dependency creates a circular dependency which means it is not allowed to create a dependency for this Task which is depending on another one which in some way depends to this one again.


The primary_key attribute for the Tasks table used by SQLAlchemy to map this Task in relationships.


A synonym for the children attribute used by the descendants of the Task class (currently Asset, Shot and Sequence classes).


returns the tickets referencing this task in their links attribute


A list of TimeLog instances showing who and when has spent how much effort on this task.


returns the calculated absolute id of this task


returns TaskJuggler compatible id

classmethod to_seconds(timing, unit, model)

converts the schedule values to seconds, depending on to the schedule_model the value will differ. So if the schedule_model is ‘effort’ or ‘length’ then the schedule_time and schedule_unit values are interpreted as work time, if the schedule_model is ‘duration’ then the schedule_time and schedule_unit values are considered as calendar time.


TaskJuggler representation of this task


The total effort spent for this Task. It is the sum of all the TimeLogs recorded for this task as seconds.

Returns int:An integer showing the total seconds spent.

returns the duration as seconds


The type of the object.

It is a Type instance with a proper Type.target_entity_type.


The id of the Type of this entity. Mainly used by SQLAlchemy to create a Many-to-One relates between SimpleEntities and Types.


updates the parent statuses of this task if any


updates the total_logged_seconds and schedule_seconds attributes by using the children info and triggers an update on every children


updates the task status according to its children statuses


updates the status by looking at the dependent tasks

Parameters:removing – The item that is been removing right now, used for the remove event to overcome the update issue.

The User who has updated this object.


The id of the User who has updated this entity.


A list of Version instances showing the files created for this task.


Walks the dependencies of this task

Parameters:method – The walk method, 0: Depth First, 1: Breadth First

Walks the hierarchy of this task.

Parameters:method – The walk method, 0: Depth First, 1: Breadth First

The list of Users watching this Task.